When it comes to learning to think like a marketer, books are the ideal solution. From tactics to strategies, the best marketing books have lessons for many different people. Whether you're an experienced marketer or just starting out, there are many excellent options to start with.
In this article we will see a selection of the 10 best marketing books of all time chosen by the seniors of the Deep Marketing agency. Former manager with long experience.
Our list has a unique characteristic: it intends to range over different topics and approaches, it is not limited, as often happens to the "usual suspects" and the obvious names. Also because, often, their lessons do not pass the filter of scientific evidence.
What follows are therefore titles that aim to be both reliable and broad-spectrum in their teachings. They don't just write what "sounds good", and they don't repeat stereotypes and clichés. They provide readers with sacred lessons in discipline and consistent with the mental toolboxes of professionals.
What makes an excellent marketing book?
When choosing the best books for both a technical and strategic discipline such as marketing, there are always a couple of further aspects to take into consideration.
First, the volume must be insightful and comprehensive, as well as well-documented and chock-full of tangible examples and techniques. Secondly, it must always be stimulating and easy to interpret.
These are not particularly widespread characteristics among the books you can find on Amazon or in your local bookstore. Both because in this matter there is an abuse of opinions, of hot air and theory that is not yet reality or cannot be falsified. And because they are often simply boring and the same concept is repeated millions of times. Often in multiple books. Yes, we're talking aboutSeth Godin.
If you agree, move forward.
So here is a list of the 10 best marketing books of all time according to the Deep Marketing team. These texts are sure to provide you with the knowledge and insights you need to take your marketing efforts to the next level.
1 / Building a storybrand
Donald Miller's "Building a Storybrand is one of the best volumes on marketing and sales. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to create a minimally effective strategy. In this book, Miller explores the concept of "storybranding," focusing on creating a brand story that resonates with customers' emotions.
By understanding the existential path of people, it is possible to create a narrative that helps to better connect with the public and involve them.
Narratives have the power to captivate and motivate, helping to create a lasting bond between the storyteller and his or her audience. As a result, storytelling has become an integral part of life, whether for companies, individuals or entire communities. It has the potential tomove people to action, encourage engagement and have a lasting impact on the world. So why not use this powerful tool to create meaningful experiences? This book points a simple and clear path in the right direction.

2 / The moment of the click!
If you're looking for a book that explores the power of digital marketing, "The Click Moment is an excellent choice. Written by Frans Johansson, this text explains how to use data to create marketing campaigns that produce results, taking advantage of the "key" moments which may or may not happen by chance in the history of companies.
Click Moment is based on two simple and inspiring concepts. The first is that success is capricious, much more unpredictable than most people think. The second is that we, both as individuals and as organizations, can take specific measures to exploit this unpredictability and direct it to our advantage.
When it comes to successful brands, it often happens that something happens in context that shifts the entire landscape - whether it's the acceptance of an important customer, a competitor that changes the market or a seemingly random thought that takes shape - andthat's the "click" moment to be exploited to change one's destiny.

3 / Consumerologistsa
Consumer.ology by Philip Graves is one of the best books on marketing and consumer behavior. It delves into the psychology of customers and provides useful information on how to better understand and direct their intuitions and purchases. By understanding the fundamentals of consumer behavior, you can create marketing campaigns that are more effective and produce results.
The book is full of very useful case studies, research and data analysis to provide an in-depth look inside people's minds. It contains truly exemplary insights for anyone who wants to delve deeper into persuasive communication starting from psychological evidence.

4 / Don't make me think!
Don't Make Me Think by Steve Krug is a' another gold mine for those who want to understand the fundamentals of marketing starting from the cognitive aspects of the discipline and without many theories based on personal opinions and more or less uncredible stories.
This gem focuses on user experience in digital and how to create a website that encourages customer engagement, sales and satisfaction. Even though the book is a few years old, it is necessary reading. Krug still provides very valid indications on how to create a website and digital interfaces that are at the same time easy to use, pleasant and effective.
Definitely "Don't make me think" is the basis of Deep Marketing's work in the design and optimization of client websites!

5 / Small brands grow
"How Brands Grow by Byron Sharp is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the fundamentals of building a brand starting from the base.
Designed for those who manage or own small brands, it is actually the text on this list that comes closest to scientific perfection in the discipline.
This book is packed with research-based answers to the questions marketers constantly ask themselves. It covers areas such as brand expansion, the actual effectiveness of advertising, the impact of price discounts and the influence of loyalty plans. Despite the mountain of data, How Brands Grow is written to be suitable for professionals and enthusiasts. Really fantastic.
The book is also innovative because it examines and explains the empirical laws in a practical way. And it has the strength and courage to scream how many famous marketing theories - such as Brand Positioning - taken for granted by many experts or not are... nonsense.
What is empirical evidence in marketing? What is the science of discipline? Start from our in-depth study.

6 / Advertising according to the Master
Ogilvy on Advertising by David Ogilvy is essential reading for anyone want to understand the cornerstones of advertising. In this landmark and landmark book, Ogilvy shares his insights on how to create effective advertising campaigns that deliver results. Provides valuable advice on how to create compelling messages that resonate with customers.
We remember that Sir David Ogilvy CBE was one of the greatest masters in advertising, famous above all for having founded the Ogilvy & Mather. He earned the title of Father of Advertising" thanks to his incredible work and results. The success of his campaigns is due to his training at the Gallup research organization, where he learned to pay close attention to consumer behavior and statistics.
Ogilvy on Advertising
We recommend that you delve deeper into the history of Ogilvy and the legacy of the biggest names in advertising and marketing in the article dedicated to our Masters.

7 / Created to be unforgettable
Made to Stick by Chip Heath is a must for every marketer . This book delves into the concept of "stickiness" in the content, i.e. the ability to create messages that remain imprinted in the minds of customers. Heath provides helpful guidance on how to create effective messages that will help you better connect with your audience. It is also a small essay in social psychology because it delves into the concept of "social currency". in the construction of messages.
With chapters dedicated to storytelling, simplicity, emotion and the unexpected, this book will help you create creative and memorable messages. With its clear writing style and practical advice, "Made to Stick" it's a Bible for anyone who wants to make their content stand out.

8 / The Rivets of the mind
Riveted by Jim Davies is another great source for those want to understand the fundamentals of storytelling. This volume explores the power of storytelling and how to create compelling stories that engage and captivate customers. Even making them laugh!
Riveted reveals the evolutionary root of why certain things capture our attention, from art to faith, from athletics to superstition. These captivating elements hook into our minds like a key in a lock, energizing us and pushing us forward, yet we rarely understand what makes them right.
Imagine how powerful it is to apply these mechanisms to marketing.

9 / The signal in the noise
Eight years ago a book that is now legend was published. Above all thanks to its author.
Nate Silver had in fact amazed the world with his revolutionary approach to forecasting, from baseball to the outcome of the 2008 elections. His exceptional ability to anticipate even the 2012 results earned him the recognition of "forecaster" most reliable politicianin the country. Silver is the mastermind behind FiveThirtyEight, the famous website. Everyone is thrilled with his skills.
In his book "The Signal and the Noise", Silver therefore investigates the world of forecasts, trying to understand how it is possible to separate a real signal from the abundance of confusing information. He applies his method to different worlds.
"The Signal and the Noise" It is therefore essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the power of data-driven decisions. Let's remember that marketing is a science based on data and statistics. A book like this provides the necessary mindset.

10 / Trust an impostor
"Trust Me I'm Lying" by Ryan Holiday, is probably one of the most influential books of the last ten years. It is a guide to the media ecosystem of the 21st century and shows how the structures and incentives of online media serve to polarize us by fueling fear and anger. And how to exploit them in marketing and PR.
Published for the first time in 2012, the book is terribly cynical in many places and not totally applicable to the Italian ecosystem. But it inevitably provides a rather Machiavellian - albeit accurate - understanding of the world of journalism, media, marketing and influencers.
One of the best mental antibodies you can have.

10+ / Digital Deep Marketing Remastered
Obviously we couldn't not include the latest rewrite of our agency's book-manifesto. Digital Deep Marketing Remastered is the 2022 version of what was a best-seller in Italian marketing, published by Lindau/Anteprima and written by the CEO of Deep Marketing, Francesco Galvani.
The book is at the same time a summary of a process that leads to marketing "well done, and the presentation of a strategic approach to branding oriented to the demand and deep needs of customers. It is one of the positioning systems similar to Blue Ocean, but it is much simpler and designed above all for small brands and the Italian scenario.

We explored the 10+1 best marketing books of all time according to Deep Marketing.
Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, these volumes are sure to provide you with the knowledge and insights you need to take your results and your neurons that much higher.
Not enough for you? Don't know where to start?
Trust Deep Marketing, one of the best Italian advertising agencies according to the prestigious GoodFirms ranking. With our help, you can create an effective marketing strategy that will deliver results.